Nursery Handbook

Lets meet the Nursery Staff

Mrs Lewis
Nursery Manager

Miss Holland
Additional Practitioner
Nursery Classroom Virtual Tour
Frequently Asked Questions
What time does School start/finish?
Our Nursery start school at 9.00 and finish at 11:30. We do ask that all children are punctual and on time as it is important for children to get into this routine early.
Please note if the Nursery gate is locked, you are late and will need to go to the main entrance. If you are picking up your child during the school day, you will need to report to the School office.
What will my child be doing in Nursery?
Nursery is the first step in your child's educational journey. Although not statutory, our aim in Nursery is to provide children with lots of learning experiences and opportunities to develop their curiosity and creativity. Children develop personal and social skills that will allow them to make friends and work with others.
Our first aim in Nursery is to settle your child in to school life and get them used to various routines. Each day your child will become more and more used to the expectations that we have of how they behave, learn and use the classroom environment.
Within the classroom there are a wide variety of different areas for children to access and play in, staff are on hand to support learning in a play context. We follow the Foundation Phase Curriculum at our Nursery and will closely monitor your child's progress whilst they are at school.
What should my child wear?
It is the expectation that uniform is worn by all pupils, including our Nursery pupils. Wearing a uniform allows children to feel a sense of pride in their school.
Our uniform consists of:
Burgundy jumper/cardigan - If you want this to have the school logo on, our branded uniform is available from Regis in Newbridge and Darren Morgan Sports in Crosskeys. You do not need to wear branded items.
Grey/Black Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore - For Nursery pupils, if children are not able to do zips and catches on trousers on their own, we would ask that joggers are worn as this can help children when they need to use the toilet.
Blue Polo Shirt
Shoes - Please do not send your child in shoes with laces if your child is unable to do their laces on their own. Slip-on shoes or shoes with velcro are most suitable for Nursery pupils.
Will my child need to bring anything with them?
Everything your child needs for their learning will be provided for them. If your child is known to have an occasional wetting accident, we would ask that you also provide spare clothes in their school bag. It is also likely that your child will bring home lots of lovely things from Nursery, so we ask that a small bag is provided for your child. Please do not send in large bulky back packs as space for storing these is limited.
Can you tell me about the Nursery toilets?
At school we have nursery appropriate toilets in the classroom. The toilets are easily accessible and only for use by our Nursery pupils. The toilets are small and the sinks are at nursery pupil height. Children are able to access toilets whenever they need to. Children will sanitise their hands before using the toilet. Should your child have an accident whilst in school we will support them in getting changed. However, should your child have an accident to the point where they need to be washed (in a shower or bath) then someone will be contacted to collect the child.
Who will support my child?
Our Nursery is run by a team of experienced and friendly staff who are all fully qualified and DBS checked. Your child will be appropriately supervised at all times when at school, whilst also being given the space to develop their independence too. Your child's Nursery teacher will be Mrs Lewis, she will be joined in the Nursery by Miss Holland (teaching assistant) and Mrs Richards (teaching assistant).
Once in Nursery, will my child be in Abercarn Primary for the rest of their education?
We must stress the importance here for all Parents/Carers to understand that your child has been given a place in our Nursery class ONLY. Nursery is a non-statutory class and has a maximum number of pupils that we can take. You will be required to re-apply for your child's place in Reception, which is when statutory schooling begins.
What is Seesaw?
Seesaw is your child’s electronic journal. It logs their personal journey from their first drawing to their sports day. It is a great tool to use giving the practical nature of Nursery. Seesaw allows us to capture the moment and upload to share with you at home. The app allows you to comment on your child’s work and is a great way to get involved with your child’s learning.
How can I get in touch with my child’s teacher?
Mrs Lewis and the nursery staff greet the children on the nursery door every day. This is an ideal time to pass on any messages (Socially distancing) or to ask any questions you may have. If you don’t bring your child to school then you can always get in touch via the main office – 01495 244566.