Year 1
Let's Meet our Year 1 Staff

Mrs Harry
Class Teacher
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need a PE kit?
Just like in Reception, your child will have an allocated PE day. On this day we ask that they come to school in comfortable trousers and shoes with their uniform t-shirt on top. E.g. school t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and trainers. A PE Kit will be required – shorts / joggers and t-shirts – Plain items – full labelled with your child’s name.
Does my child need a bag?
Your child does not need a large bag. They may need a book bag to take home sheets and reading books but this will be provided. Please make sure that their book bag is clearly labelled with their name and maybe a unique keyring to make it easy for your child to spot.
Who supports my child at lunchtime?
During and after lunch, each class has a dedicated lunchtime supervisor to support the class.
Does my child need to wear uniform?
Yes, we expect your children to wear our school uniform. Details are included in the school prospectus. Your child will take part in a lot of outdoor learning, so we recommend appropriate coats / hats / sun cream / footwear is worn
Will my child be expected to dress / undress themselves?
We expect a level of independence in Year 1. Your child should be able to fasten / unfasten their clothes to go to the toilet and be able to put on and take off their coats and shoes. Obviously, staff will support where necessary but as you can appreciate, the more independent your child is, the better for their self-esteem, confidence and independence as well as saving time in our busy days. Easy to fasten clothing / shoes are recommended e.g Velcro shoes, elasticated trousers etc.
What happens if my child is ill in school?
The school office will contact you and arrange for your child to be collected. If your child has a minor fall etc then school has First Aiders to care for them. You will be informed by the class teacher on collection and an accident form is completed.
Will they have lunchtime when returning in September?
Yes, children will be having their lunch in school - hot food is available and must be purchased via UPay.
What happens if my child has an injury or needs changing?
Staff will always help any child. To protect our staff and your child as they are in close proximity, PPE will be worn by the staff member e.g. face mask/visor, gloves, apron.
What should my child work on throughout the summer?
Please continue with similar activities to the ones you normally complete in Reception e.g. Lots of reading stories together, singing Nursery Rhymes, practicing your Jolly Phonics, counting, pen control and writing your name. Also work on your child’s independent personal care skills such as dressing and undressing, toileting, putting on coats and zipping/buttoning, putting on hats and gloves etc. And of course WASHING HANDS!
Does my child need to bring their own stationery to school?
No, all resources will be provided by school.